Sticky Notes to Self: The Brand Manager’s Motivational Mantra

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Post-It Positivity: A Brand Manager's Self-Motivation Strategy

In today’s ‘Confessions of a Brand Manager’, I reveal my little trick for staying charged: motivational Post-its peppered around my workspace. ‘You’re a branding wizard!’ one declares in bold, unmistakable letters.

These aren’t just sticky notes; they’re mini pep-talks, my self-authored pats on the back. In the solitude of strategy and the quiet before a campaign launch, these notes are my silent cheerleaders. Whether it’s a challenging day or a moment of doubt, a glance at these affirmations is all it takes to reignite my inner fire.

And yes, sometimes, all it takes is a little note to self to transform ‘I think I can’ into ‘I know I will.’

What about you? How do you keep your motivation soaring? Share your self-motivation hacks in the comments, or send a virtual high-five to [email protected]. Let’s inspire each other with our personal slogans for success!