“Welcome to my world of ‘Confessions of a Brand Manager.’ Here in the Brand Humour section, I’ll take you on a hilarious journey through the daily trials and tribulations I face in my role.

As a brand manager, my life is a never-ending adventure of managing budgets that seem to have a mind of their own and handling expectations that can reach the stratosphere. But fear not, because I’ve learned to tackle these challenges with a generous dose of humor.

Join me for a good laugh as I share witty anecdotes and creative solutions that have helped me navigate the craziness of brand management. Whether you’re a fellow brand manager in need of a chuckle or just curious about the lighter side of this profession, ‘Confessions of a Brand Manager’ promises to entertain and offer a fresh perspective on our daily struggles.

Let’s celebrate the resilience, creativity, and humor that keep brand managers like me thriving in the midst of chaos. So, kick back, relax, and prepare to be amused as I spill the beans on the hilarious world of brand management. Welcome to ‘Confessions of a Brand Manager,’ where every challenge is an opportunity for a good laugh!”

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Appear Engaged, Even When You're Imagining Dinner: The Brand Manager's 'Thoughtful Squint

The Art of the ‘Thoughtful Squint’: Navigating Meetings with Fake Focus

As a brand manager, there's an art to appearing perpetually engaged, even when your mind is meandering. Confession: I've perfected what I call the 'thoughtful squint.' It's my go-to expression…

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Brand Manager's Elevator Challenge: Pitching to the Unsung Heroes of the Hallway

Elevator Pitch Practice: A Brand Manager’s Unconventional Stage

Every brand manager knows the importance of a good elevator pitch, but how about actually practising it in an elevator? Here's a little confession: I fine-tune my pitches with an…

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